Friday 30 January 2015

Aussie Day

Earlier in the week, J invited me as her plus one for Australia Day. This year is especially special being that Aussie and Malaysia marked it's 60th year of diplomatic relations. Australia and Malaysia has each respectfully earned its place as among the top 10 trade countries.

My main goal: FOOOOOD! I definitely filled this month's quota for fresh seafood and beef. Takder cravings dah...hahah...

And of course I enjoyed mingling with J's colleagues from the British High Comm, not to mention 'cuci mata' seeing all those Aussie Navy men (the young ones ajer yerrr). The power of networking. Met my old colleague from MITI as well, so good to touch base. 

The choir singing both countries' national anthems followed by some Aussie traditional ballads and melodies
Masuk-masuk dah nampak screen cantik nih!
Desert Station...didn't manage to get a taste since I was too full stuffing my face with all the other main dishes. 
This was the one I was waiting for the whole night. To take a picture of and with the HUGE tuna! Nih awal-awal lagi... 
Nih kejap ajer dah nak habis one side dah...fuhhhh!!!

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