Saturday 16 November 2013

Alhamdulillah, dengan satu lafaz

Alhamdulillah, the ceremonies went well. I officially became wifey on the night of 9 November 2013 witnessed by family members and close friends. The reception was then held the next day to welcome a bigger crowd and share the joy of the momentous occasion.
Here are some unofficial pictures, mainly of the solemnization ceremony, shared by friends and families.


  1. Alhamdulillah, everything went well. You look fabulous.... the both of you, indeed, were pictures of happiness. Congratulations to you both and all the family members. Legaaaaa... I tell you, by next year, you will be laughing away at all those "panic" moments. Never chapter, new life, take things slowly. Nobody, I repeat, nobody went into marriage knowing everything... all had to start from scratch. Mine was from the kitchen, then to the laundry, then to housekeeping and then the weekend stock-up-the-fridge routine, then the babies came along, and then the search for nurseries (I had to work!) and then school with its year-end prize-giving and uniforms and schoolbags and buku-teks and baju pj's, then came college (I am still here). Someday princess no.1 may come home and bring home a nice boy... taadaaa... my turn to cari door-gifts and hantarans and so many things. Life is a beautiful circle of love..... Selamat Pengantin Baru, you two. Muah x3 p/s: Thank you for the photos, nice of you to put up a few. Thanks

  2. Assalamualaikum you 2, J tole you everything will be aOK and Alhamdulillah u had all the people you love and know enjoying ur big day! And boy, was I shocked - I thot I was looking at a `Fasha Sandana clone!'
    Well done girl, dah selamat now to move on for more good and happy days and years on. You made us all proud such a grand DIY prep, maybe you might consider doing it as a second vocation - Wedding Planner J.
    Taniah to your aunts uncles and Baba for sending you off in a grand style.
    Looking forward to more simply great fotos. Feezal deserves such a beautiful and gorgeous lady, dear. Keep the spirits and confidence up! Worth all the years of singledom!
    Love you very much. Wassalam
